Aangedryf deur Blogger.

Saterdag 02 November 2013

Cara Mendapatkan Ribuan Backlink dengan Cepat

Backlink yang banyak dan peringkat pagerank yang tinggi merupakan Impian seorang blogger, Dengan Backlink dan pagerank yang tinggi menunjukkan akan kesuksesan seorang blogger dan blognya tersebut dan Untuk mendapatkan backlink yang banyak dan PageRank yang besar merupakan pekerjaan yang kadang mudah dan susah untuk di lakukan. Kita mesti menerapkan teknik SEO dalam melakukan hal tersebut.
Dan tidak seorang blogger pun yang tidak ingin akan Prestasi Pagerank yang tinggi dan backlink yang banyak, Kita seorang blogger berbondong-bondong untuk mencari dan mendapatkan Backlink yang berkualitas dengan cara yang mudah dan cepat.
Penelusuran menunjukkan, ketika melakukan Blogwalking di beberapa blog besar dan berpagerank Tinggi, kemudian melihat Widget Alexa Rank yang terpampang di sidebar blognya, ternyata Site Link In nya banyak sekali, jumlahnya hingga Puluhan Ribu.

Trik ini sudah tersebar dengan luas di kalangan blogger hingga master blogger pun menerapkan trik ini, namun dulu diragukan akan cara ini apakah benar cara ini bisa berhasil menaikkan PageRank dan backlink.? Setelah membacanya kembali dan masih kurang yakin atas Site Link In Alexa Rank yang saya lihat di Alexa-nya, saya kembali lagi mengunjungi blog-blog yang menerapkan cara ini Dan ternyata benar, blog-blog yang menerapkan cara ini Page Ranknya Juga Ikut meningkat namun yang paling menonjol adalah Site Linking yang dimiliki blog-blog tersebut sungguh banyak sekali. Oleh karena itu Saya juga ingin menshare dan berbagi bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink dengan cepat sehingga pagerank blog kita akan cepat naik.

Caranya sangatlah mudah, Anda hanya tinggal copy link yang berada di bawah ini dengan syarat Anda harus menghapus link pada peringkat 1 dari daftar, lalu pindahkan yang tadinya nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 menjadi nomor 2, nomor 4 menjadi nomor 3, dst. Kemudian masukan link blog anda sendiri pada urutan paling bawah (nomor 10),Seperti berikut :
4.Hacked Trik Gratisan
5.Rastaman Teknologi
6.Achieving Success on the Internet
7.Collection of Articles and eBooks
8.Fardin’s Website
9.Sudjana Sotware
10. Free Sharing Software

Untuk cara kerjanya, Sebelum Anda meletakkan link-link diatas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 sehingga setiap peserta naik satu level. Kemudian tambahkan Link blog Anda di bagian paling bawah, dan Jika Anda mampu mengajak lima orang saja untuk mengcopy Artikel di posting blog Anda maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 1
  • Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
  • Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
  • Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
  • Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
  • Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
  • Posisi 4, jumlah backlink =15,625
  • Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
  • Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
  • Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dari sisi SEO teman-teman sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink gratis dan efek sampingnya adalah meningkatnya Trafik blog kita serta Meningkatnya Pagerank Blog kita! Dan jika pengunjung downline mengklik link Anda maka Anda juga mendapat traffik tambahan.
Waoow.. Tunggu apa lagi cara ini memang specktakuler , selain dengan Blogwalking dan menempel blog Anda di blog dofollow maka dengan cara ini Anda juga dapat ribuan backlink yang permanen asal dengan mengcopy seluruh teks ini.!
Selamat mencoba ….!!!

Saterdag 07 September 2013

Download Dead Island Riptide 2013

Dead Island Riptide games in 2013 were updated in 2013 and this is certainly a new game was released with a new type of action game is pretty good in terms of quality of the graphics and the player character.
If you have ever played dead island for which we fight zombies then Dead Island Riptide 2013
there was the addition of zombies - zombie island raised from the dead, this game is quite large and almost 6GB and it certainly comes with a crack in order to become a full version and may be useful for you all.


Download Devil May Cry 6 Vergil’s Downfall

Maybe you've got the game on this one is Devil May Cry 6 which is the latest version of the Devil May Cry games, this game is pretty cool especially this game has garafik quality and the only one I know of this game that we play against such a monster and this game is similar to games like God Of War 3 has been recently released.
This game is made by capcom coming from Japan and for the details of this game you can find in the site or enoskopledia reminya, and this type Reloaded game so similar to the original capacity that I share on this occasion.

Download Saints Row IV For PC

Saints Row IV is a game which is also the latest version of the update to the distinction is that the current IV I share on this occasion.

Saints Row game is a game of type IV and the action adventure where we will play against Elian who want to rule the earth, in the fourth Saints Row game we play this game shooter so I can categorize shooting game - shoot.

Maandag 08 Julie 2013

Download resident evil 6 Multi6 RPK full crack

That the gamer or a true game lover must be familiar with this one game
if you do not know very kelewatan.Game resident was released around 1998 if not wrong
with a horror theme during which the virus attacks the human T made ​​by troops
mengguasai umbrella for the world to conduct research on animals Linta
so that the people affected by this virus will langsun die and become blood-thirsty zombies hehe.
Resident evil itself is one game / movie that first introduced about zombies
and this game was released by CAPCOM.
This time in 2012 to meet the 2013 party capcom resident evil make the latest
identifying themes in AFRICA, led by lead actor LEON, JILL, ALINCE, CARLOS AND KK.
There is an excess of resident evil 6 games in a group that is playing this game so very exciting and
even zombies also been holding a weapon such as a gun.
Resident Evil 6 is my version of the black box share is approximately 5.5GB in size so that more dibandig
Another to 14GB.


Download resident evil 6 Multi6 RPK full crack


Download Game Sleeping Dogs 2.1 Full Reloaded

This time I will share an action game genre is very exciting and much in demand by gamers, this game is Sleeping dogs.
Sleeping Dogs game this development process is also long enough for the copyright had experienced problems but has been officially released for the PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 on August 14, 2012.
Games sleeping dogs who Haramain distributed software is also equipped with All DLC that which already includes the Dragon DLCnya master pack, GSP, Deep Undercover, Police proection and many others that are included in it.
This game also sleeping dogs is one of those games Haramain software requested by friends and now I share a truly complete version in order to play this game is also getting cool.

Vrydag 05 Julie 2013

Download Game MotoGP 13 Full Reloaded

Download Game MotoGP 13 For PC  Full Version

On this occasion I will share / post a new game of the year 2014
13.Game the MotoGP race is still new and certainly cukuo new release
frebruari in 2013, maybe you've never played or at least watch the game
racing / sports on TV or in other media.
In the game there are the stars of new and old MotorGP like
valintino rossi and friends - comrades.
Maybe I was not too much jelaskna about this game and who want to download
can be downloaded at the link below .......

Download Counter Strike Xtreme V6 PC Game

On this occasion Sudjana games software will share a recent release from the counter strike
Counter Strike Xtreme V6 that where there is the addition of players, vitur and quality of weapons and the players and the game itself of course graphics.
In the game there are also Zombie is an enemy of poisi so not only terrorists, but also there are zombies, maybe the makers of Counter Strike motivated CAPCOM success in resident evil releasing so many games today are like zombies - zombie so that in this new version we also could play against zombies.
For further clarification you can better understand if you play this game, and of course I had already prepared a download link of this game at the link below in

Donderdag 27 Junie 2013

Download Game MotoGP 13 For PC Full Version

On this occasion I will share / post a new game of the year 2014
13.Game the MotoGP race is still new and certainly cukuo new release
frebruari in 2013, maybe you've never played or at least watch the game
racing / sports on TV or in other media.
In the game there are the stars of new and old MotorGP like
valintino rossi and friends - comrades.
Maybe I was not too much jelaskna about this game and who want to download
can be downloaded at the link below .......

Sondag 23 Junie 2013

Download Corel draw suite X6 full version

Although adobe photshop CS6 issuing new output and quite elegant
but do not miss corel draw corel draw suite and launching X6
adobe and corel software design and editing is pretty good
many people use corel draw to screen and edit photo
although still less than the adobe corel terms of features and quality but not
we use a software fault this one because its features are complete and arguably \
ranks second in the field desgn
either no longer length please suck linked wrote that I provide.

Download Corel draw suite X6 full version)

Download Microsoft Office 2013 Professional

Microsoft Office 2013 is the latest update from Microsoft and Microsoft Office 2013 will replace
Microsoft Office 2010 is used in the share in 2010.
The processing software has additional features and tools so that the newest version of its capacity is quite large and quite heavy work on the pc.
This software is actually sold at a price that we may not be able to reach on time kesemptan
I will share Microsoft Office 2013 Professional with serial so so full version or free / free.Untuk users of Windows xp and vista OS in suport of Microsoft Office 2013, so that only
compitable with windows 7 and windows 8.
In Microsoft Office 2013 and Microsoft Office 2010 has a lot of difference and the difference is most striking in terms of appearance.
For those of you who want to download this software can be downloaded at the link below ..........

Download Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Full Serial/32bit

Download Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Full Serial/64bit

Serial Number Microsoft Office 2013 :

Maandag 10 Junie 2013


This game is similar to the Resident-evil outbreak virus that attacks the town tokyo
so people into zombies.

Ninja Blade occurred not far from it, more precisely in Tokyo in 2015. TokyoHR. contracted a deadly disease caused by Alpha-Worm.

Alpha-worm causes the victim dantersangka zombification process can be transmitted through the air. This outbreak led government pernahmenyerang an area ASmenjatuhkan nuclear area to prevent further spread.

Tokyo is currently facing a similar situation, when the plague was spread in American satellites have been orbiting microwave waves Tokyo will fire that will engulf everything in its reach. See our enemy hadapitampaknya Ninja blade will feel like a combination of Resident Evil and Ninja Gaiden are combined with additional spices QTE (Quick Time Event) everywhere.

Please go ahead and download at the link below ...........


Saterdag 18 Mei 2013

Download Konflik Vietnam Full free

This game was adopted from a time when the country was split between the vietnam war with allies
which is quite surprising that the American serikat.Dan vietnam country can beat the United States in the country
The war for allegedly using guerrilla warfare so that the U.S. can not anticipate.
From there the game is made, and indeed this war game was initially localized for PS2 but was present
and suport for pc.
This game is also like a war-type game that I wraghter batelfiled 3 last post and medal of honor wraghter
so who likes war games could menggandlkan this game to relieve boredom wkw

                         Download Konflik Vietnam full version(sudjana software)

Download Avira free 2013

This antivirus is my mainstay in eradicating the virus from the flash and that has been plagued
data that we download.
This is an anti-virus antivirus made ​​from German states and the red umbrella logo.
keebihan of this antivirus is their level of accuracy is quite good and once the best anti-virus
Later in the year 2008-2009 year 2012-2013 bidefender still seems to be the top spot with
excellent protection.
weakness of the anti-virus files are sometimes shaped patch as well as crack or keygen is sometimes considered to be a virus, and we will lose our important data that has been infected with the virus because the data is not removed along fixed wkwkkwk
but of antivirus research is good enough to enter the top 10 best anti-virus in the world today
so anti-virus is still a mainstay among pc or laptop in word.

Link  : Download Avira Free Antivirus 2013 full free(sudjana software)
miror : Download Avira Free Antivirus 2013 full free

Vrydag 17 Mei 2013

Download Windows XP2 professional 32bitfull fersion

In the last post I ever post windows xp 2 SATA 2013 share this time my back windows xp 2 with an upgrade that is still fairly new.
Windows XP is one of Microsoft OS which is still widely used today because of the ease and is very smooth in running various programs / aplkasi /.
Today many that use windows xp including IT-based schools because it
to learn the system / programming language is quite good compared to windows xp windows 7 or windows are beginning to rise, namely Windows 8, there are also advantages compared to Windows 7 as well as 8
that is very light and very smooth and even when booting just a few seconds to appear directly in terms of the menu deskop.Tapi also windows xp also has a security which is not good, it is only natural
almost all computer virus was made using windows xp.
And 2 xp version can not support the new program because it only suport XP3 XP3 even then in many
Additional software such as netframwork and so on.

Download Windows 7 Professional 32/64 bits

I will post this time is microsoft windows 7 pofrssional butane, widows 7 or windows seven
there are 4 ie windows 7 starter, home, professional and ultimate.
That has a complete feature that windows 7 ultimate, windows actually pro also complete only
Such tools do not support bitlocker to lock hardrive so it can not be opened by someone.
windows 7 pro is not too heavy and requires specification of 1GB RAM and 1GHz proccesor.
in order to become full version please use the loader that my windows 7 update first.
its function is that windows 7 pro already installed can be genuane or original.

Link :  Download Windows 7 Professional full free/32bit(sudjana software)
          Download Windows 7 Professional full free/64bit(sudjana software)

Saterdag 11 Mei 2013

Download Avast 8 internet security full free

I share this time the anti-virus is the latest update and the newly released oeh
avast's in 2013.
avast internet security has a considerable difference compared to the free because
on many safeguards internet security good enough that we can from this version of avast anti-virus.
Surely we will get tighter security while browsing the internet and protected from all harm walwere and applications that we are currently accessing the internet.



thank you may visted my blog.........................

Download Medal of honor warfighter full crack

I sahare this game because it is very exciting and probably the game you are looking for the latest games can
ini.Game tried this game is a pretty good game and very classy and perhaps even in the case of war seems ore exciting than battelfiled medal of honor 3.
The advantages of this game is always ongoing mission and this game is very similar to call of duty modern warwaghter
although in terms of players and combinations of players in this game I think it is quite good and
as well as other war game does not differ too much.
This game is looking looking for or have never played this game you can try to download in the link below
Here you are.

Data is a screen shot of the games ini.silahkan download linked below.


If there are any questions please leave your comment

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